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DeCom Markets      FOMEZ      GPEUN     LED - Hubs      Economic Engine      FEV      Smart Contracts      DFDC      UDC      PriceDemand      Cloudfunding Main St     

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Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business

    Auto Demand    QwickFlip
Local Media    QwickFill           QUIK-Stay
Local Media    QwickEV           QUIK-Stay
  -  LED Hubs

Local Media    Local Demand

Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Places                Places
Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media    QwickFill           QUIK-Stay

  Comes to Main Street

Local Media    QwickStay         QUIK-Stay
Local Media    QwickTrek         QUIK-Trek
Local Media    QwickBite          Quik-Bite
Local Media    QwickPass       QwickPass
Local Media    QwickTrip          Transportation
Local Media    QwickRide        QUIK-Ride
Local Media    QwickTime        QUIK-Time
Local Media    Logistics             Transportation

    -  FreDel Tech

Local Media    QwickBuys        QUIK-Buys
Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P

Local Media    OMM                   OMM

Local Media    LA Agent            LA Agent

                  Sellers Exchange

Local Media    Local Media      Local Media

Local Media    New Economy

Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

       -   Seller Co-Ops
       -   Buyer Co-Ops

    Queen Bee         Queen Bee

LED - Local Economic Distribution Hubs  -  Focused on Localization

Main Street is the traditional center of local Commerce  -  and now Cloudfunding is delivering a new era in selling for Main Street!

Local Main Street sellers now have the competitive advantage from technology to finally get the benefits of what the Internet promised.

LED - Local Economic Distribution Hubs are an on-the-ground outlet that uses the dynamics of Cloudfunding to give local sellers and buyers the ultimate in competitive pricing, with the convenience of free local pickup and delivery 24/7  -  LED Hubs are designed to increase the velocity of Commerce between local sellers and buyers, and so raise the local economic outlook for everyone.

What LED Hubs do is provide Cloudfunding economics for local Commerce to have a direct action point for increasing productivity output in a city, state or country without relying on authorities from above  -  the trickle down approach in economics has been little more than a 'wait and see, it'll come' waiting for wages to rise  -  local demand in economies need new strategies where interaction with other local economies can feed off each other to build out a sustainable long-tail economy to economy ecosystem - e2eCommerce.

LED Hubs sit between local sellers that may be located in the central business zones and buyers who live in outer suburbs and only occasionally shop in the central city or shopping precincts  -  the inventory held by sellers within zones has sufficient economic value to exponentially drive an entire local economy on a sustainable path to growth that leads to economic flows over into other local regions.

Free Open Market Economic Zones - FOMEZs automatically form as local sellers and buyers trade together, with both taking advantage of the competitive advantage that sellers have competing for market share  -  that advantage comes about with a shift in the economic infrastructure model at the local level, one that fully monetizes a seller's products and services before being released to local buyers  -  it's done by integrating a collected value ( activity tax ) from previous global productivity, which's able to exponentially and sustainably monetize an infinite loop for any amount of inventory listed by sellers.

Exponential, predictable and sustainable sales

Cloudfunding gives local sellers the environment where they can sell inventory in greater volumes at predictable full selling prices at a faster turn-around rate than traditional selling  -  and local buyers have more incentive to buy with Price Demand that allows buyers to pay prices they want to pay  -  for Sellers of pizzas to fashion to cars, the sales volume can exponentially increase and be sustained with real time reconciliation which avoids needing credit terms  -  a free peer to peer exchange of local fiat currencies with a neutral internationally tracked trading unit of account securely exchanges the Ownership of products and services in real time, without the platform holding or transferring any local currencies across borders  -  Cloudfunding breaks down the financial inclusion barriers by decentralizing control over Capital flows across economies using a global consensus.

Cloudfunding gives the overall community the means of being proactive within their own local economy, and get a direct benefit without the waiting  -  instead of shareholders benefiting via dividends from a company's profits before employees, Cloudfunding breaks down the hierarchy in the economic model and gives the individual user the means of gaining financially from the various number of local companies selling products and services within an economy via Outsourced Selling, Price Demand and UDI portfolios.

The economic model behind local Automated Selling

Think of all the idle inventory sitting on shelves in retail stores and in storage warehouses waiting to be sold or the components and ingredients for a restaurant meal or a pizza ready to be made on demand  -  these are the huge volumes of local inventories of products and services ready to be monetized with Outsourced Selling and sold with Price Demand within minutes or hours rather than days or weeks  -  monetizing can be as broad as selling a tooth brush to selling a used car or even a house, each can be quantified and has a full selling price  -  what's so unique about Cloudfunding is the predictability in sales without Online or Offline marketing and the advantages gained by sellers and buyers - Automated Selling.

Inventory sales can be stocked up ready to release to buyers whenever sellers want sales to be completed  -  unlike traditional flat line selling that uses costly advertising, which is usually combining discounts in the hope of getting sales, Cloudfunding uses Outsourced Selling to first sell to the global network of market makers to fully monetize the selling prices  -  all that happens before the seller releases the deals via the platform into their trading zone where buyers use Price Demand to compete to buy at prices they want to pay.

Sellers can also compete with one another across all types of industries for Generic Deals that can be purchased in bulk for such things as restaurant meals, pizzas, milk even hotel accommodation or fuel  -  these deals that can be customized to suit any industry have already been processed and monetized and are ready to buy using Price Demand at the prices buyers ( sellers ) want to pay  -  the difference is that when these bulk Generic Deals are separately released to the seller's local buyers and sold via Price Demand the full selling price, and the amount paid to buy the Generic Deals, are released into the seller's Business account  -  Generic Deals are processed in advance to maintain an equilibrium between sufficient supply for the more predictable demand across the economies.

  Price Demand



Price Demand



      Categories :

    Eating Out
    Food Pantry
    Baby Care
    In Demand
    Real Estate
    Around Again
    Campus Life
    Affordable Living
    Manufacturers  l  Retailers
    Growers   l   Farmers

    Farmer Markets

AutosAutos  l  Transport  l  Freight
      Operators / Agents
              - Australia AUS  -  Trends
              - Canada CAN  -  Trends
              - Spain SPN  -  Trends
              - UK UK     -  Trends
              - USA USA  -  Trends
              - New Zealand NZL   -  Trends
              - India IND    -  Trends
              - Indonesia INA    -  Trends
              - Philippines PHL   -  Trends
              - Singapore SNG  -  Trends
              - Nigeria NIG    -  Trends
              - Brazil BRA   -  Trends

Distribution of monetized local inventories

Cloudfunding captures the financial gain from an economy's productivity, and distributes that gain through to the individual users, without the risks associated with holding equity in companies, through the speculative Capital Investment in share markets  -  Cloudfunding gives users the opening to be part owner of local economies, with a direct impact on local productivity, while operating in an insulated environment away from market speculation and volatility.

In todays modern economies there's more spin than truth when it comes to how well the economy is going  -  all the data used and commented on is mostly at the national level with results of GDP and surpluses and deficits, not at the grassroots of economies where the average person makes a living  -  Cloudfunding opens a new frontier to challenge the status quo, by focusing on Localization.

Cloudfunding takes over the role left open by the banking industry after they moved away from serving consumers to fully focusing on shareholders and profits  -  abandoning the mandate they were originally formed to do, for the social good  -  Cloudfunding fills that vacuum, not by digitizing old legacy systems but by disrupting the whole Commerce landscape to form a new ComTechX industry that digitizes traditional cash commerce and keeps local currencies circulating in local economies  -  this allows sellers ( SMEs ) to be a major influence in the flow of local currencies moving in the local economies between buyers and sellers exchanging products and services, eliminating any need for third party marketplaces or payment service incumbents.

Supply takes a giant leap into Automated Selling with real-time Price Demand

LED Hubs make it easy for sellers to get their products and services in front of local buyers, for free  -  Cloudfunding outsources the selling of a seller's inventory to a virtual wholesaler network of global users, which via a unique Game Theory process that monetizes, collects and escrows the payment for the inventory at full selling prices.

-  this game changing process opens the way for local buyers to buy with Price Demand and pay prices they want to pay as the buying prices cascade down to 20% from full selling prices

-  when a deal is activated by a user, there are notifications sent out to other local users who have set their accounts to be notified when particular items are released  -  accounts can be set at buying prices to suit each buyer and as the price cascades down the first price is selected, or users may prefer to buy live over a minute for many products and services or at various time lengths depending on the values  -  for a seller this allows volumes to be released together in rapid sequence, one after the other, or across several batches  -  these alerts provide the competitiveness between buyers with the FOMO ( fear of missing out ) helping to find the real-time price demand

-  prior to the buying price being determined between the buyers with Price Demand, in the background a sophisticated distribution of micro-values and open market processes fully monetize the seller's inventory, before the deals are released to buyers

Autonomous global Platform with deep local connectivity

Cloudfunding is an OS platform merging commerce and technology ( forming the ComTechX industry ) into an autonomous economic environment, using a neutral and ubiquitous international trading unit of account to sell products and services seamlessly across borders via e2eCommerce, bypassing the costly traditional third-party rent seeking incumbents.

The international trading unit of account is a Universally Decentralized Capital that gets its value by the aggregated value of global currencies  -  this provides three basic attributes that are required to be recognized as a monetary unit, its value is stable because of its aggregation, it's an international medium of exchange for goods and services, and is a secure store of value that is exchanged from owner to owner, and between global currencies without fees.

Cloudfunding applies deep algorithmic technology to change the economics in driving sustainable growth in local economies  -  it shifts the mechanics in commerce away from the debt addiction being pushed onto societies  -  to a debt free and cashless ecosystem.

Cloudfunding applies a modern digital economic model with Productivity as the leading catalyst:


One day turn-around

The day of receiving stock and selling overnight will become the new norm for sellers that adapt to the new frontier in retailing with Outsourced Selling and Price Demand  -  sellers will only need to be concerned with restocking supplies and customer service, and leaving the sales to the autonomous selling or even becoming pro-active by engaging with sales from their own Digital Sales Division.

LED Hubs allow sellers to store and deliver inventory midway between themselves and local buyers, bringing together the Offline to Online O2O connection  -  Cloudfunding's backend economics disrupt the traditional parity in the asking and paying prices between buyers and sellers, essentially by separating the Supply from the Demand, removing the barriers to scale indefinitely as sell high and buy low economy  -  LED Hubs operate with a free neutral O2O mechanism between Supply and Demand to make it ubiquitous across all market sectors.

LED Hubs stimulate local economies by distributing Cloud Capital / free working capital into the hands of global users  -  the working capital is 'spent' in strategies by the Global Crowd which directs value from around the world to fully monetize seller inventories, for free, using Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital  -  DFDC uses an unique global tracking system that's able to transfer value from one economy to another without holding or transferring any local currencies  -  DFDC drives a new linear business model into local economies without incurring debt.

Offline and Online worlds both have different mechanics and limitations that each needs to absorb into their operating costs  -  this is where LED - Local Economic Distribution Hubs are designed to merge Offline and Online worlds into seamless O2O Commerce.

Direct Market productivity

Every User can get involved in the productivity side that can influence trade by being an OMM - Open Market Maker  -  OMM's are market makers that passively participate in driving trade for the Sellers through to the eventual Buyers  -  Direct Market provides direct access to local economic growth from the Productivity for Users to benefit from their local businesses with the sales they make with other local and global Buyers

-  plus as an OMM you're a business entity that doesn't handle any stock or deal with any customers, it's the simple process of using Cloud Capital / FEV / Cloudfunds that are earned for free, and using them to set strategies, then add a bid or be eliminated when it's needed  -  winning deals earn a profit margin for the OMMs that most businesses could never achieve but one of the main outcomes of the Game Theory bidding process is to validate Cloudfunds into Universally Decentralized Capital using a decentralized and democratic global system.

Local Economic Distribution Hub

The simple steps to using LED Hubs

Regional sellers list inventory to Outsourced Selling, adding free home delivery from their store or to pickup at a nearby LED Hub.

Inventory can be delivered by sellers to the LED Hubs using free delivery, ready for pickup by Online buyers.

Buyers can see the products in-store and go Online to buy either with delivery from the store or pickup from a nearby LED Hub.

Each LED Hub is established with its own unique Location Token  -  the productivity between sellers and buyers flowing through its operations is tracked as part of the Global Chamber of Economies.

  How to be involved in LED Hubs

There are several levels that users can be involved with in establishing LED Hubs that can be local or even somewhere else  -  teams and Co-Operatives can be established to earn from the local economy by being pro-active as part of the Global Crowd that drives the Outsourced Selling of products and services in the various economies.


  Single User
Affiliate networks can be established by inviting other users to join a team.

  Buyer Co-Operatives        
  Seller Co-Operatives        
  Queen Bee Program        
  LED - Local Economic Distribution Hubs  -  Plan Levels    
Local Distribution Hub - 01
Local Distribution Hub - 02
Local Distribution Hub
Local Economic Distribution Hub
LED Hubs solve the 'last mile delivery' for Sellers

Local sellers list the inventory they want to sell, and decide if the pickup will be at their store or at LED Hubs  -  there're no storage or selling costs, even delivery from store to LED Hubs or home delivered is free within FOMEZs, it's more about convenience for buyers.

Unlike traditional commerce that operates mostly on credit and terms, LED Hubs operate only on cash terms  -  as deals are sold with Price Demand, payments are released directly to seller accounts  -  achieving a much faster turnover of stock and cashflow.

Collaboration between local sellers can continually influence local markets and economies via a higher velocity in trading products and services at full margins  -  streamlining the flow between supply and demand that's debt free with real-time sales and payments.

Local sellers can join others across various industries in directly establishing Local Economic Distribution Hubs and get direct ROI from sales moving through the local economy  -  LED Hubs merge local productivity seamlessly across the Global Chamber of Economies.

New metrics to meet the new Digital Era

As the Digital Era takes hold and disrupts industries, mostly for the better, there's a constant reliance on past data to help predict the future direction of markets  -  the economics of markets are more driven by shifting pressure ( money ) rather than actual productivity.

Cloudfunding approaches economic growth from a different direction to measure and stimulate markets  -  instead of speculating by creating and distributing debt as banks do hoping to find productivity  -  Cloudfunding leads with an accountable value that's globally measured and validated against genuine productivity  -  this accountability is what provides the consistent linear growth that gets distributed into the economies.

Cloudfunding overall is structured to avoid the boom and bust cycles that are synonymous with the banking systems  -  it avoids the need for inflation to increase the prices to fill the void made by the costs that are shifted out of a local economy by the incumbent financial services controlling the money supply through interest rates and fees  -  the shifting of those costs away from the value of Capital flowing in local economies dilutes the buying power for the holder of the local currency, which is where inflation of prices is used to provide the illusion that economic value and growth is being added back into the economy.

By having an accountable value distributed across an economy, it means genuine productivity growth ( GPG ) can be measured to help steer where stimulation needs to be directed  -  GPG is a real-time metric that can be seen at a local level and responded to by users.

Local business ventures can now get Free Direct Backing

As with all businesses, there are times when expansion to grow is essential  -  Free Direct Backing can be used by local businesses to get the support they need to expand their business from a global crowd.

While Cloudfunding helps sellers to outsource the selling of their products, LED Hubs solve the 'last mile delivery'  -  Free Direct Backing offers businesses with a way to get backing for their business expansion without needing collateral or giving up equity.

To help sellers track all their product movements and sales, the Digital Sales Division - DSD is available to build out the business into the New Digital Economy.

  LED - Local Economic Distribution Hubs    
Local Economic Distribution Hub

Local Economic Distribution Hub

QwickFill Distribution

  Participation cost and total value
      $500 Seed amount has a 1X total value
    $1,000 Seed amount has a 1.5X total value

$2,500 Seed amount has a 2X total value
$5,000 Seed amount has a 2.5X total value
$10,000 Seed amount has a 3X total value
$25,000 Seed amount has a 3.5X total value
    $50,000 Seed amount has a 4X total value
    $75,000 Seed amount has a 4.5X total value
    $100,000 Seed amount has a 5X total value

                                                      .  .  find out more

  The Total Value is an amount gained from the Location Activity Tax collected from each unit of products and services sold  -  the collected LAT is a hidden tax ( neither buyers or sellers pay ) and is shared equally with users holding units of the Seller's Location.

The Location of where the Seller trades from is listed as the origin of the sale and where the LAT is distributed from  -  anyone can collect Locations and earn from the volume of productivity recorded in the Global Chamber of Economies.
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